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  • Skin cancer surgery

  • Melanoma

  • Moles

  • Birthmarks

  • Cysts

  • Lipomas

There are lots of different types of skin lesions for which you may be referred to a plastic surgeon. It may be for a skin cancer, or for a benign (non-cancerous) skin lesions that is causing an issue. Small lesions can be safely excised under a local anesthetic in my office procedure room. Larger lesions, or those requiring a reconstruction, will often need to be excised in a hospital, usually as a day case.

Skin cancer

Skin cancer is very common in Australia, and I would recommend those who have had significant sun exposure to have a full skin cancer check with a GP, Dermatologist or at a skin cancer clinic, once a year. If you have had a skin cancer before, then this may need to be more often.

Some small skin cancers can be excised and the wounds closed with stitches, however skin cancers in certain areas e.g. face, scalp or lower leg, often require a skin graft, or rearrangement of the skin nearby (local flap), in order to put the wound back together.

Certain cancers may require more complex reconstruction, and discussion at a multidisciplinary team meeting or additional treatments e.g. radiotherapy, after the surgery.

Dr Rannard uses her extensive experience and takes a meticulous technique to combine optimal cancer treatment while achieving outstanding aesthetic results.

I prioritise skin cancers to ensure prompt treatment and aim to offer an appointment within 1-2 weeks.

Non-cancerous skin lesions

Benign skin lesions include lipomas (fatty lump), cysts, skin tags, moles and birthmarks. You may want to consider removing these if they are causing a problem e.g. pain / discomfort, growing in size, catching on clothing, or for cosmetic concerns.

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Mosman Rooms


Suite 10, Level 1

357 Military Road

Mosman, NSW 2088



(02) 9068 6649

Dee Why Rooms


Dee Why Grand

4205/834 Pittwater Road

Dee Why, NSW 2099



(02) 9068 6649

Wollongong Rooms


Southside Plastic Surgery

Suite 1, Level 3, 354-358 Crown Street

Wollongong, NSW 2500



(02) 9159 0707

© 2024 Dr Francesca Rannard. All rights reserved | Disclaimer

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